Access begins with your ASK

Three things women need to move forward in their lives are confidence, connections and capital.

The purpose of this article is to explore all three as well as how PowHERhouse acts as a simple yet effective conduit for women by providing them access to what they need most.


Over the past 15 years, we have worked with hundreds of women and networked with thousands of others.  What have we learned?  There are three key factors to unlocking a woman’s confidence:  Clarity, Core Strength and Celebrating Wins.

Clarity improves confidence.  One of our main motivations to develop the PowHERtalks Speakers Series is that it forces women to clearly and concisely articulate in 9 minutes or less who they are, why they are here, what impact they are looking to make and what they need in order to do so.  The process of developing their PowHERtalk and creating the space they need to find the clarity they desire holds the greatest value.


View our most recent PowHERtalks here.

Access begins with your ASK - PowHERhouse

Steely Springham, Inspirational Conversationalist & Confidence Coach

Core strength builds confidence.  One thing we know for sure is that the stronger we feel in our bodies, the stronger and more confident we are in our lives.  When we get out of our heads and into our bodies, three very important things happen:

  • We enter a creative state.  Our best ideas, insights and observations happen when we’re not over-thinking them, aka being not doing.
  • Our energy (and magnetism) rises.  Energy attracts energy.  Like-minded people are drawn to you when your energy flows with purity, vibrancy and magnetism.
  • Re-fuel and ground to be positively powHERful.  Every single day our energy and resources are drained by those who need us most. Many people think, ‘Happiness happens.’  No way.  True happiness is carefully cultivated.  It is a consistent, proactive practice of managing stress and re-balancing your energy – daily.  Eating well, moving often and being positive are an integral part of this practice.

Celebrating wins increases confidence.  “It’s the journey not the destination.”  We’ve heard it over and over again but does it sink in?  Success is a series of baby-steps.  Confidence increases each and every time we pause and reflect to celebrate our wins, however large or small and to acknowledge that success is happening!

PowHERhouse is designed to help women stay true to themselves and their practice.


Access begins with your ASK - PowHERhouseMagic happens along the periphery.  When you are clear about what you want and you clearly communicate that, people (and opportunities!) start to show up.  They want to help you, work with you, invest in you and see your mission move forward.  The act of creating a PowHERtalk – of committing to the process of developing a clear, concise, focused 9-minute talk – sets the wheels into motion.  It is your signal to the Universe that you are ready.  Then watch out!

Magic happens along the periphery.  Pay attention as you set your intention because it is glorious.

Taking ‘networking’ to a whole new level.  What is networking anyway?  By definition, it’s ‘a sharing of information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest.”  We’d like to suggest that it’s important to consider an updated definition of networking.  Let’s call it the PowHERhouse definition:

Access begins with your ASK - PowHERhouseHigh-calibre networking:  To congregate high-calbre, like-minded individuals proactively looking to co-create and collaborate with ease, efficiency and effectiveness by leveraging talent, resources and networks with a common goal of achieving the highest potential, maximum impact and greatest good within a specified period of time.

Taking women’s events from inspiration to action.  What are you called to do?

How many women’s events have you attended?  Hundreds?  Thousands?  Women’s events inspire us, and that’s great.  However, at PowHERhouse our goal is to take inspiration to action.  It is important to us that our events yield tangible results for our speakers and guests, our exhibitors and our sponsors.  With our PowHERtalks Speaker Series, we prepare surveys, gather feedback and track results.

We measure our impact.


Women-friendly funders likely SCCU and Community Futures are listening.

Women-friendly funders likely SCCU and Community Futures are listening.

The majority of women are risk and rejection adverse, and we need to change that.  Now, I’m not taking about taking un-calculated, over-the-top risks.  I’m talking about reaching just beyond your comfort zone.  That’s where growth happens.  My friend calls it, “Traversing the Gap”.  Know where you are and where you want to go.  The difference between the two is what you must overcome, what you must commit to, and what you must ACCESS in order to move forward.  Access begins with your ASK, and it becomes so much easier when you know what you want, can clearly and concisely articulate it, and most of all, believe you are worthy of it.

In terms of accessing capital, we look at it like ‘match-making’.  At PowHERhouse, we see our role as a conduit between friendly funders or investors and women looking for capital.  There are many great programs and opportunities out there but the truth is – on the ground – many women know nothing about them.  There is a breakdown in communication between what is accessible and the women who need to access it the most.  That’s where PowHERhouse comes in.  Our role is to meet with potential funders and investors to understand their offering and criteria so we can provide clear information and referrals to the women in our community.  And of course, we love to share success stories!

Are you looking for capital in the next 12 months?  Or do you have a recent ‘accessing capital’ success story?  We’d love to hear from you at

Our 1-word answer?  Integration.

PowHERtalks Hoodies w Louise M quoteThere are three things women most need to move forward in their lives – confidence, connections and capital.

We know that now, and we accept it.

The key to accessing all three is integration:  Integrating the process (like PowHERtalks), the people (like the amazing peeps in our growing and supportive community) and the power of a positive multi-media platform (like PowHERhouse) to ASK for, share and receive what women need most to build stronger bodies, business and lives.

It’s Lifestyle + Leadership integrated, baby!  

It’s here.  It’s now.  And it’s PowHERful!