Teach Me
Creating the Space To Be Great!
Greatness isn’t something you cram between lunch and dinner – or is it? Who really has time to be great anyway? None of us do. We make time. If you are reading this article, you are a leader who cares. You yearn for greatness for yourself, your family, and your team. You are destined for it.…
Read MoreWhat I Would Tell My 35-Year-Old Self – B.C. Women Educators
B.C. Women Educators Share Lessons Learned The mission of Delta Kappa Gamma (DKG) International Society for Key Women Educators is to promote professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education. Thus, at our 2018 Spring symposium, keynote speaker and workshop leader, Charlene SanJenko of PowHERhouse, taught the B.C. women educators How to…
Read MoreLET’S TALK HAPPINESS: Trainer Ben Smith, We All Deserve To Be Happy
PowHERhouse Media is excited to announce a brand new media initiative in partnership with Trainer Ben Smith. Boxer. Bouncer. Bodybuilder. Believer. Everyone deserves to be happy! Let’s Talk Happiness! “I’ve spent my life struggling for self-acceptance, and along the way I discovered true happiness and peace of mind. It was always right there waiting for…
Read MorePowHERpacing | 3 Excellence Habits to ensure focus, presence and ease this holiday season
“It’s good to be alive today.” – Michael Franti Pow-HER’-pace-ing: The art of walking that thin line between stretching beyond our comfort zone in order to grow and reach our ultimate potential while carefully navigating possible burnout. Thousands and thousands of Canadian women are pushing ourselves to new limits. We are living in very exciting…
Read MoreBrain Optimization for Women with DRIVE!
The modern working-woman faces many challenges. The term “work-life balance” is actually an understatement; when really we have to maintain work-children, work-hormones, work-leisure AND work-relationships balance. Women’s bodies, different from men’s, also receive a disproportionate impact from a 24-7 world. The disruption of natural rhythms and cycles affects our hormones, sleep and ultimately… our MINDS. …
Read MoreChew On This! | 5 things this Dentist wants You to Consider
You’ve got your hustle working and you run your team (even when it is only you). Be the boss in your smile care also. Much like your logo is part of your business brand, your smile is the first impression you give everyone you meet. These power moves help you take charge of your oral…
Read MoreAwaken Well-Being of Educators
Educators are tired and already looking forward to their Christmas break. Not long ago a colleague asked me how my summer went, and I looked blankly at her confused by her question. The rush of back-to-school and a quick-paced Fall had thrown me into such a busy state that I had forgotten just a few…
Read MoreCraving an Open Concept in Corporate Canada
An organization providing a work culture that supports open, strong, insightful conversations and vulnerability sets up its people to reach heights that shift paradigms. Many working environments across North America remain corporate structures steeped in a rigid old fashion where business happens behind closed doors. Decisions are masked and employees feel distant from the connection…
Read MoreThe Dance & Dynamics of Today’s PowHERCouples
For the Strong Men in Your Lives… Roles, Responsibilities & Realizations in an Ever-Changing World by Tom Watson, Author of Man Shoes The idea that ‘a woman’s place is in the kitchen’ is a dinosauric way of thinking in today’s world. The level of success families will achieve in the future is completely reliant on…
Read MorePowHERreads | The Heart of Your Money by Zena Amundsen
Zena Amundsen’s The Heart of Your Money is a must-read for every PowHERhouse ready to take steps towards increased abundance with grace, ease and flow. Zena is a financial mentor, someone who shares past mistakes, stories, accomplishments and expert advice. She pushes clients to participate. “The reward is not only success but personal growth, healing…
Read More5 Crucial Skin Care Must-Dos for PowHERful Women
Let’s simplify: Here’s a 5-minute self-care ritual comprised of 5 crucial skincare must-dos for powHERful women. Daily ME-time ritual is necessary to sustain Super Hero status – and glowing skin – with only a few minutes in the morning and at night. Tip 1: Cleanse We understand, some days when you come home, you fall asleep…
Hormones naturally fluctuate throughout the month, but they can also fluctuate unnaturally in response to lifestyle factors such as poor nutrition, liver toxicity, excess stress and not getting enough sleep. Even healthy women who follow a good diet may experience issues in their hormones. Fortunately, there are some simple steps that can be done to…
“I started my first company 16 years ago with little to no support from others in my industry. I felt isolated, confused and overwhelmed most of the time.” In 2013, I was asked to be a guest speaker for an entrepreneurial group in the wellness and beauty industry to chat about video marketing since my…
Read MoreBuild a Business, Change the World
How do you build a business that doesn’t just exist, doesn’t just sell products or provide services, BUT a business that changes the world? How are valuable start-ups created that mature into companies that change us? I don’t mean change the world in a way like Patagonia or David Suzuki strive to from a social…
Read MoreBeWell | Prioritize Your Pelvic Floor
Prioritizing your pelvic health will give you freedom. It will help increase your confidence, allowing you to focus on the task at hand and not worry about leakage. It will improve your sex life, and provide greater ease for connection, satisfaction, and support in your relationships and in your work. Prioritizing your pelvic health will…
Read MoreDr. Seema Kanwal | Our Iron Deficiency Epidemic [Video Interview]
In our Spring 2017 issue of PowHERhouse lifestyle + leadership magazine, Dr. Seema Kanwal told us about an epidemic underway that is affecting women’s energy, mood, sex drive, and ambition: our iron deficiency epidemic. Iron is a huge issue for a lot of women, not only due to menstruation, but also due to the lack of nutrients…
Read MorePowHERtools: Microblading | Beauty Solutions for Busy Women
Time and energy are a powHERful woman’s most precious resources. PowHERhouse recognizes this and seeks to provide the powHERful women in our lives tips & tools, strategies & solutions, implementable ideas & best practices that make your life easier. Please meet Melanie Camille Walsh, esthetician & owner of The Sandalwood Spa. Why Microblading? Melanie was…
Read MorePlanting Seeds | A Simple Ritual for Letting Go
Whether it’s the shift from one season to the next, the transition through the year from darkness to light, or the repeated cycle of birth, growth, death and rebirth present in nature in so many ways, the rhythms of the natural world are full of grace, ease and so much wisdom for us to glean.…
Read MoreGoing Global
3 Steps For Accelerating Business Growth Three important strategies that, based on my experience, will help you hit your global growth stride and expansion goals with grace and ease. As I boarded the plane for my first trip to the U.K. I couldn’t help but feel a little like Mary Tyler Moore. Had I been…
Read MoreOur Iron Deficiency Epidemic
There is an epidemic underway that is affecting women’s energy, mood, sex drive, and ambition: our iron deficiency epidemic. Iron is a huge issue for a lot of women, not only due to menstruation, but also due to the lack of nutrients in our food, medication interactions, and absorption issues. Let’s start with some background…
I think we’ve all had enough of the snow this winter, so with Spring just around the corner, I say, “Let It Glow” now. As you think about shedding those winter layers, putting away the heavy coats and sweaters, let’s also think about shedding those dull layers off our skin as well. We know the…
Read MoreWedding Preparation | Planning for Your Worry-Free, Special Day
With so much energy and emotion invested into wedding preparation for your special day, it can be overwhelming. As you hire your services – your make-up artist, hairstylist, photographer, caterer, wedding coordinator and others – you’re creating a community to help you with your special day. As your makeup artist, my goal is not only…
Read MoreStand on Your Story and Not in it
Using your mess as your blessing to serve and enroll others requires clarity, commitment, intention, purpose and inspired action. Attract, influence, serve and transform those who need you most. My story, my mess, my journey has been about moving from being the best kept secret to unabashed and confident success in my life, love, and…
Read MoreLearning from the Big Boys
Shift the model in which women work together, and we powHERfully shift our economy. Many years ago – more than I’d like to admit – I worked for an independent brokerage firm, an investment firm in the financial services industry. It was in the early 90’s, and one of my favourite memories is of walking…
Read MoreTina Overbury | Core Story Goals
It took me until I was 44 years old with stage three tonsil cancer to figure out that I live in a body. You see, I’m a story girl who likes to live by her own set of rules, often ignoring key plot points as if they’re just filler; but this experience shook me…
Read MoreROUTINE | 3 Essential Habits in Your Daily Practice
Let’s explore our endless love/hate relationship with ROUTINE. We pine for her when she’s absent; we love her when she returns. We despise ROUTINE when she hangs out too long then we miss her when she is gone. We complain about her to her face and gossip behind her back. Perhaps it is not ROUTINE…
Read MoreSteely Springham | #NoteToSelf
#NotetoSelf, the common thread weaving women together… PowHERhouse is tying the commonality of each woman’s story collectively into the tapestry of a powHERfully supported community where inspiration leads to action through the vehicle of PowHER TV. I was recently asked how did my concept for PowHER TV come to be? #NotetoSelf began years ago, quite…
Read MoreHome Renovations: A personal journey and lessons learned
3 rules that inevitably hold true for most home renovations: They will always take more time; They will likely go over budget; and, It will be frustrating at times. I recently ventured into a renovation for my new condo (in an older building), and those lessons held true for me. Whether you’re a trained Designer…
Read MoreA New Dawn is Calling for a Much Faster Game
The solutions we seek will not be found – fast enough – if we, as women, continue to work in the way we have in the past. There’s work to be done differently, and that difference begins now. Well we made it through election week, and it’s quite likely that many of us doubted that we would after the results.…
Read MoreStrong Men Stand Beside PowHERful Women
“HEY THERE #NASTYWOMAN… Strong men are here, and we’re stepping up to support you.” Feeling threatened by strong women makes no sense. It’s the childish attitude of a boy. I’m so happy I took the time to get myself together, pull my head out of my ass, put aside my boyish ways, and grow into…
Read MoreBodacious Lifestyles | Creating Change in the Changing Room
Bodacious Lifestyles | Creating Change in the Changing Room Are you someone who shops twice a year whether you need it or not? Or are you the person who shops regularly for a little pick me up? Incentive shopping? “I’ll buy that dress that’s a bit too small to encourage myself to be “good“.” Do…
Read MoreEnergy Rich | Energy Management for a PowHERful Life
Crush your energy hang-ups and reclaim your natural energy rich, powHERful state. I spend a good part of my time researching, studying, interviewing, connecting and collaborating with powerful women. These powHERful women understand the dance between harnessing their greatest power, capitalizing on their fullest potential, and living a fulfilling life. When we use the term ‘powHERful‘, our definition…
Read MoreWomen Mean Business
WOMEN MEAN BUSINESS: How Opportunities to Invest in Women-Owned Companies Can Revolutionize the Investment World Investing in women-owned businesses is too risky, and the returns are too low. At least, that’s how the not-so-innovative world of business financing has looked at female entrepreneurs – for decades. As recently as 2014, studies have shown that investment…
Read MoreWedding Wisdom
Your primary relationship starts with the one you have with yourself. It has only been the last few years that I have given much thought to wedding season with the recent marriage of two of my children. However, this year, wedding season started with an unexpected twist! I was asked to conduct a wedding ceremony…
Read MoreEmotional Management in Golf & Life
Building a High EQ | Effectively blending thinking and feeling to make wise decisions Have you ever seen someone “lose it” on the golf course or during a social interaction? Have you experienced a loss of emotional control during one of your activities or games or perhaps a business meeting or presentation that affected your performance…
Read MoreWhy Pride Movements Still Matter
The shootings in Orlando at the Pulse Nightclub bring into stark reality the understanding of how far we need to go, still, for GLBTQ* people to feel safe. I am an out gay woman who came out in a town where for over 15 years I was known as a straight woman, married to the…
Read MoreShaeah Love | Is a Coach Right for You?
Hiring a coach seemed like a luxury to me. I would tell myself it’s for those people who ‘can afford it’, who are ‘up to something really big or important’ or who really need that extra help ‘to get their life together’. For most of my life I ruled myself out of any of…
Read MoreSteely Springham | Do you see what I see?
A cup containing 50 percent liquid can be viewed as half empty or half full. How you view this is based upon your individual perspective. Your perspective directly affects your life experiences. Through this visualization, I am inviting you to consider perhaps a new perspective on the traditional 1/2-glass concept. I have never viewed the cup…
Read MoreAngela Thurston | The Practical Magic of Self Love
“Not only was my lack of sexual desire affecting the state of my marriage, it was affecting the state of my health, and my overall well-being.“ Many years ago a friend shared with me that one of the things she hated the most was when her husband crawled into bed at night, and cuddled up…
Read MoreHer Story: Storytelling as a Radical Act
“Until the lion learns to write, every story will glorify the hunter.” – African Proverb The desire to lay a platform upon which women can find their voice, to ask for what they need and share the stories that (re)define them, is a passion I share with PowHERHouse. It is the impetus behind my own socially-conscious…
Read MoreMaggi Woo | Grief, Fear, and Creativity
Grief, Fear, and Creativity Walk Into a Bar… I knew the day was coming. Day in and day out, between waking and dreaming, I knew in the back of my mind that the anniversary of my sister’s death was fast approaching. No matter how I flip the calendar, there it was staring at me with…
Read MoreSpring Simplicity & Space
De-cluttering ideas for a fresh Spring “The more you have, the more occupied you are. The less you have, the more free you are.” – Mother Theresa Marie Kondo, the best-selling author of “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” tells us that before you start to de-clutter, it is important to “visualize your destination.” This may…
Read MoreJulia Chung | Money Matters
Money Matters: Take Control Spring, with all its “new” and “fresh”, brings with it an expectation that this year – this year! – we’re all going to get our finances in order. The constant barrage of commercials and conversations around RRSP deadlines, tax filings, etc., spur us to either finally get that financial plan thing…
Read More10 PowHERful Lessons from PowHERtalks
Here are 10 key lessons that we’ve shared – and learned – throughout the valuable PowHERtalks process. This Spring has been an opportunity to reflect on our first three PowHERtalks and initiate the planning process of our next three. As my good friend and business strategist, Leah Goard would say, “We’re landing to launch again.” During this time…
Read MoreDestination Detox Retreats
PowHERing Up in Puerto Morelos To move powHERfully forward in our lives, we need to create space to intentionally work on our lives. To operate at our peak, busyness must halt with care given and quality time dedicated to ensuring that we are functioning at our highest potential for our greatest good in all areas…
Read MoreConflict Revolution is all the Rage
Move over Conflict Management – there’s a new Sheriff in town. Conflict is quite literally a daily occurrence in life. From a grumpy spouse and disorganized kids, to thick traffic and getting scooped out of your parking spot, we can encounter several interpersonal conflicts before we even set foot into our workplace. And then we arrive at…
Read MoreThe Boss of Me
“You’re not the boss of me. I’m the boss of me.” Personal Parenting Tips for Adults in 2016 How many times did I mutter those words to the two bewildered parental units tasked with the challenge of raising me! I couldn’t wait to grow up so I could be the boss of myself, and no…
Read MoreNo Train, No Gain
Why Lifelong Learning Matters for You and Your Employees Providing employees with Learning and Development is essential for both your business and for their engagement and happiness There’s a meme going around the internet that goes like this: The answer is so obvious, it goes without saying. If business leaders don’t invest in learning and…
Read MoreCould You Change the World for $500? The Answer is YES – If You’re Ready
What if you could invest a few hundred dollars into an organization with a mission to improve the lives of thousands, or even millions of people? What if you could see exactly where your money was spent, and the impact it had? No, this isn’t one of those pleas for funds to support children in…
Read MoreCreating a Soul Family
A Tribute to Rosemary Brodie Hallowell Hoare. Twelve years ago I had a chance meeting that would change my life. …I stood up to say hello, and when I was introduced to his mother, Rosemary, I knew in my bones that she was to play a huge part in my life. In fact, I felt I…
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