PowHERhouse Portrait | Sara L Austin

Sara L Austin is passionate champion for women and children and an established senior leader with nearly 20 years of experience in the non-profit/charitable sector.

You’ll find her name on several “most powerful” lists, including the prestigious Top 25 Women of Influence and Top 100 Most Powerful Women.

As an expert in international human rights law, she has led global advocacy campaigns, shaped major public policy efforts, and launched philanthropic campaigns.  Her work has taken her into the top circles of power at the United Nations, government corridors and boardrooms around the world.

Sara is the Founder and President/CEO of Children First Canada, a new national non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and empowerment of Canada’s children.  She is also a member of Mount Royal University’s Centre for Child Well-Being and a Lecturer in the Child and Youth Studies Program.

Describe your Mission.  What’s it all about for you?

To give kids the best opportunities in life, and help ensure that every child can achieve their fullest potential.

What is your ultimate dream for your Mission and where you’d like to take it?

My goal is to build a national movement that protects and empowers children.  Together, we can make Canada the best place on earth for kids to grow up.

Sara L Austin | PowHERhouseDescribe your success strategy in one sentence.

Engaging and inspiring Canadians to put the interests of children first.

Biggest highlight in your career/journey thus far?

Giving a speech at the United Nations, as the law I designed for children went into force.  Now, as a result of this protocol, children around the world can seek justice when their rights are denied.  Children, or advocates working on their behalf, can file complaints against their government and seek a remedy.

How would you describe what brings you the greatest joy in your current role?

What brings me the most joy is knowing that my work will make a difference in the lives of girls and boys, and giving kids the chance to achieve their fullest potential.

What would you like women to most understand or consider – on a higher level – with regards to your role and your mission.

We all share one thing in common: we have all shared the experience of childhood, so we each relate to how important it is to invest in kids and help them thrive.

Canada is the 5th most prosperous nation in the world, but we’re ranked 17th when it comes to the well-being of children.  We can do much better than that, and our kids deserve our very best efforts.  My work is about helping create a national movement that engages every Canadian in making a difference in the lives of kids in our families, and across the country.

Sara L Austin | PowHERhouse

Best advice you ever received.

You don’t have to be fully ready – take a risk on yourself and you will figure it out as you go.

How do you balance between being an impactful community leader, a busy wife & Mom, volunteer and so much more without dodging your own self-care?

I find the idea of balance is elusive.  It is rare that I feel like I’ve got everything in perfect harmony, but I’m okay with that.  For me, it’s about making mindful choices each day that align with my values, and figuring it out as I go along.

You must have some pretty long days.  How do you keep your energy up and your focus consistent?  How you stay PowHERful and on the top of your game?

Choosing power foods that will keep me fueled up for the day, and I always keep a stash of almonds in my bag as a backup stack.

Describe collaboration and what the looks like/feels like on the ground – how does it show up in your life?

My work is very collaborative.  You can’t achieve social change working in isolation, so my days are full of meetings and events, building key relationships with partner organizations, prospective donors, board members, and so on.

Describe a favourite hobby or adventure.

I love downhill skiing, which is a great family sport, and also something I can do on my own.

We also love to travel as a family and to go on adventures; one of the most memorable was a six-week trip throughout Europe when my husband and I were on parental leave and our son was 6 months old.

Favourite indulgence or treat.

Purdy’s pink Himalayan sea salt dark chocolates are to die for.

Top 3 things on your Bucket List.

  1. Climb Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
  2. Walk the Camino de Santiago
  3. Travel to Patagonia, Chile

I never leave home without my……..

I always carry my iphone, and a small notepad for meetings.

Your thoughts on mentoring young women?  What do you feel your most valuable lessons to pass on are?

I feel incredibly grateful for the women who have mentored me throughout my life, and I make it a priority to mentor other younger women.  It’s impossible to summarize the most valuable lessons, because each mentoring experience is totally unique.