GATHER for HER Vision

PowHERhouse believes that where we place our attention and what we consume in a given day either takes us closer to all of who we are and why we're here or it distracts us from the ultimate experience of our human existence.

Shift what our attention is on, and we can lift society to a higher level of thinking, doing, and being. As behavioral change elevates, sustainable long-term solutions become an inevitable result for the benefit of all our relations.

We believe impact media production will follow in the footsteps of impact investing in this decade. It is the vehicle to transport the next step UP to heal humanity. Over $250 billion is spent in North America in advertising annually with adults spending almost 12 hours a day connected to some type of media. 

GATHER for HER is a PowHERhouse original impact media production. It offers a braided approach to audience engagement with a focus on regenerative and restorative changemaking:

  • Bi-weekly conscious, creative, and curious exploratory conversations featuring Indigenous and non-Indigenous people leading right now. Meet past guests here.

  • Alternate weeks allow for intentional, interactive, and intuitive wisdom circles to listen, harvest and develop trust in each other as we follow the collective wisdom between us all to change the narrative for H.E.R., Human Expansion Realized.

  • Coming full circle, for those audience members wanting more, PowHERhouse provides a recurring accountability and consistency practice to decolonize leadership and lift changemakers - future GATHER for HER guests - on an annual basis called The Leader Path. 

It is one component of a seminal, real-time, and responsive digital media arts story-in-action participatory project called The Story of US, the Next Nine Years. This project follows 2,030 Indigenous and non-Indigenous women as they deliberately weave and walk together on a positive and interactive progress path towards the world they want for themselves and their children by 2030 through the realization of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals as set out in 2015, leaving no one behind.

We are responsible for how this story will end.”

Our reconciliation-in-action project will be featured on the upcoming reGEN Impact Media showcase platform (2022), currently SHE FOR HER impact media showcase platform in beta. Every aspect of its deliberate process has a seven-generation focus, working closely with Artists of Impact, including creatives, storytellers, performers, content creators, and expressives who work to bridge between what we know and how we feel. These artists are an important factor in connecting us at a higher level with ourselves and each other.

Our vision includes establishing an impact media production studio with film finance and brand-brokering services on the Sunshine Coast, initiating an Indigenous intern/practicum capacity-building, talent development program for The Story of Us, and other impact media production projects in partnership with DEVA Digital Training & Staffing Solutions.

"Weaving a transformative experience utilizing interactive digital media to follow the thread of the story of us, Indigenous and non-Indigenous women leaders, who crave to collectively advance individual thinking while continuously living into a fuller expression of all of who we are."

- Charlene SanJenko, PowHERhouse Founder + CEO


Our primary audience:  2,030 actively engaged women and their networks. From our research over the past eight years, we have learned that most women who engage with PowHERhouse are in the height or harvest of their careers and have professional networks of 2,500-5,000 connections. Our potential warm audience reach for this project extends over 5 million women. These women are primarily educated life-long learners and leaders representing a diverse cross-section of sectors and geographical locations. They are aged 35-55, high-achieving, connected globally, well-read, travelled, and part of the emerging world-view of a 'collective consciousness', 'shared economy', and seven-generational thinking. 

Our audience values routines, rituals, and consistent practices that add a greater understanding, deeper exploration, and richer meaning to their lives, while deepening their connection to themselves and other like-minded leaders. Their online behaviour reflects this, in that they are committed to attending one or more of our weekly to annual programs and/or events, they are tech savvy, and they have expressed interest in more interaction with PowHERhouse.

Our secondary audience: This audience is similar to our 'home', however they have a bit more 'activist' in them. They self-identify with organizations who are leading from the front in a new way. While The Leader Path global participants will likely be in the same age group as our home audience, we expect our viewer will be younger at 25-35 years old, as they are looking for role models in other countries.

At this time, PowHERhouse is looking to speak with Impact Media Partners.

We partner with progressive, well-aligned North American foundations, organizations, and brands who wish to model better use of advertising dollars. If you have an advertising budget you'd like to fully leverage for good while building your brand value, please connect with us. You can learn more about our innovative Impact Media Production Partnerships here.