Posts Tagged ‘powhertalks sechelt’
PowHERtalks Sechelt: A Rising Tide of woman-powered success stories
Chatelech Theatre, Sechelt BC – there’s something exciting about a large group of women getting together to talk about business. Specifically, women-owned businesses. At PowHERtalks Sechelt, PowHERhouse’s second in a series event celebrating the stories of 18 women, their dreams, and most importantly, their ‘asks’, the mix of local and off-coast women taking the stage…
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NEWS RELEASE: For immediate release Engaging, Inspiring PowHERtalks Speaker Series Comes to Sechelt, BC Innovative “100 x 100 PowHERfully” Campaign To Be Launched at Event November 5, 2015 – The PowHERtalks Speaker Series, a uniquely empowering, all-female presentation series designed specifically to help committed, passionate women move their missions forward, is coming to Sechelt, BC…
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The Myth of Transformation PowHERtalks Sechelt | Featured Speaker Announcement Leah Goard, Business + Life Strategist There is a powHERful revolution happening in the world of personal transformation. Simply open a women’s magazine, scan your Facebook timeline or Instagram feed and you will be inundated with images of people living out their dreams and messages…
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