We are thrilled to announce our first University Partnership with the Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan and SPEAK! Canada.
“Edwards is proud to partner with SPEAK! Canada and expand our Women’s Initiatives offerings in Saskatchewan,” said Dean of Edwards, Keith Willoughby. “This new partnership confirms the high quality, relevance, and impact of the Edwards Executive Education training options.”
SPEAK! Canada is a national leader development program designed to provide a proven process and platform, encouraging professional women to speak clearly, concisely and confidently to move forward as leaders with impact.
Between October 2015 and October 2016, over 100 women were put on-stage by SPEAK! Canada in our PowHERtalks National Speaker Series. These women were encouraged to share their story, the impact they want to make in the world, and clarify their ASK; what they need to move forward as leaders. Here’s what quickly became evident:
- Women have something to say, and they’re ready to be heard.
- As women share their story and lessons learned, they role model what is possible for others and inspire hope.
- Concise, focused messages delivered with energy, confidence and authenticity yield the most impact.
- As a woman publicly declares who she is as a leader and what she is deeply committed to, she begins to recognize herself as the capable leader she is, ready to take the next action steps. Media is a powHERful mirror.
Now, we are bringing this clarifying, confidence-building, and empowering process to academic Canada and are extremely pleased to be working with the Edwards School of Business, University of Saskatchewan as our first university partner. We invite you and your emerging leaders to participate.
Read full press release here.