welcome to our 2023 path for relational leaders!

We are grateful for you and the relational ways you live and lead your changework. FireCircle 2022 invited us to Crack Open to Relational Ways. This year we have three ways to do so in co-creation, and we'd love to share more with you!


We'd like to welcome you to an open house where you can:

  • Meet our community!
  • Explore The Leader Path!
  • Learn about Relational Leadership!


Our open houses take place on the first MONDAY of each month, here are some of the upcoming dates:

  • April 3rd
  • May 1st
  • June 5th

Registering below will sign you up for the next available date.

Registration for the The Leader Path Open House

2023 - We are Cracking Open to Relational Ways

Join us in the house and lets co-create together.

PowHERhouse champions the changework of relational leaders and their organizations. We are a community of practice, story-platform and network for changemakers walking a path of relational leadership.

We are guided by ancestral and Indigenous wisdom which, more often than not, is Matriarchal and Matrilineal in nature. This is where the HER in our name comes from.

A message from

PowHERhouse Founder, Charlene SanJenko and

Managing Director, Tina Overbury to close 2022 and welcome in 2023