Whether online or in-person, we create space for community building.

At PowHERhouse, we call this our FireCircle model where relationships are formed, wisdom is gathered and decisions are made using our three-step collaborative process to build unity through community. Throughout each month and across the globe, we bring global partners, impact leaders, FireDancers, and community activators together on and offline to make a difference for HER.



Weekly Interactive Conversations of Whole Leadership.

Each Wednesday at 8 am PT GATHER for HER alternates between integrated storytelling featuring a Changemaker who expands our understanding of whole leadership, and an hour-long Wisdom Circle where the hosts are listening and the audience is talking.  

We invite you to join us for the interactive Wisdom Circle in a private, non-recorded zoom room, where you can speak what's on your heart in a safe environment. These conversations are revealing in nature, empathic in experience, and co-created in real-time, each hour is an opportunity to co-create and harvest the collective wisdom we need for a sustainable future.  Are you ready? 

GATHER for HER conversations, tools, activations, and Wisdom Circles happen in our community of practice for relational leaders - The Leader Path. Register below for the $25/month membership to join us there.


Our community of leaders and Firedancers are out there in the field making an impact right now. In this new terrain, we learn, act and integrate collectively for the greater good of our teams, communities, and family. We frequently gather together online to listen and share real-time and responsive wisdom.



A conversation series addressing what is happening right now.
Wednesdays - 8 am Pacific, 9 am AB/SK, 11 am Eastern.


As our earth heals.
Our communities regroup.
Our families rest and restore.

We will keep the fire burning for all of you.


Listening, gathering and harvesting collective wisdom.

FireCircle is a model of group listening and wisdom gathering for sound decision making for groups of four to fifty leaders who are ready to lead from a place of care for tangible, sustainable and seven generation impact.

FireCircle is a process of listening, witnessing and implementing to bring the leaders of today through the fire of our times.

The FireCircle experience is available for social procurement around the world.

Watch for upcoming FireCircle Gatherings in:

Ottawa, Canada 

Sydney, Australia,

and Puerto Morelos, Mexico