PowHERhouse Impact Media Announces FireCircle 2021 - ONE FAMILY
Wednesday, March 10th, 2021, PowHERhouse Impact Media Group officially announced registration is now open for FireCircle 2021 - ONE FAMILY. This three-fire gathering over three days, April 15th - 17th, brings together global leaders for an integrated inquiry session to harvest the collective wisdom in a virtual un-conference setting where there is no audience only conversationalists.
FireCircle 2021 - ONE FAMILY asks the question: How do we live when we remember we are one family? This un-conference virtual fire gathering is the third in a series of twenty conversations leading up to 2030, bringing together Indigenous and non-Indigenous leaders to explore the unanswerable questions of our time.
Each FireCircle opens with an Artist of Impact performance and talk-back session and continues the following morning with a diverse perspective and multi-disciplinary co-created conversation that ignite facilitated small-group discussion pods. Each morning closes by harvesting the collective wisdom shared. The third day builds on the previous two with a morning focused on what we need to heal, integrate, and expand, and what this unique experience FireCircle is calling us to activate.
FireCircle Spring 2020 - HUMAN SPIRIT, featuring conversationalists: Jeremy Valeriote, Dianne Whelan and Brittney Ramsey harvested the wisdom of: “Grief and Allow”.
FireCircle Fall 2020 - REVERENCE, featuring conversationalists: Andrea Menard, Dianne Whelan and Charles Eisenstein harvested the wisdom of: “Hollow Bone”, “Behind the Shine” and “Pause”.
FireCircle Spring 2021 - ONE FAMILY, opens with Artist of Impact, Tina Overbury and features two mornings with conversationalists: Mark Brand, Ecko Aleck, James Gardiner, Nicollette Richer, Mark Marsolais-Nahwegahbow, and Willow and Ben Smith. The virtual fire and talking stick is hosted by the deliberately woven leadership team of Charlene SanJenko, Christina Benty, and Sharon Marshall with the support of a dozen experienced FireDancer facilitators.
An overview of the full agenda is as follows:
Thursday April 15th
Artist of Impact Performance of O MY GOD by Tina Overbury. The show is a mythical and redemptive tale across time, faiths and cultures offered by the artist with the spirit of restorative justice and reconciliation.
Friday April 16th
Changing the Narrative in Media with:
Naomi McDougall-Jones, Storyteller & Changemaker, and Sarah Springer, Creative Development Producer, Director, and Advocate for Inclusion in Media followed by an opening performance by Ecko Aleck, Sacred Matriarch Productions,
Healing Our Families' Future Now with:
Conversation Starters: James Gardiner (host) with father/daughter duo, Trainer Ben Smith & Willow Smith of The Goliath Foundation
- What is How Healing Happens?
- Why do we need to Move Past Pain, and How?
- Who are you working with and what is the process to heal ourselves for our families both now and in the future?
Saturday April 17th
Sourcing Lift-Off! Collective energy for innovative change-making with: Conversationalists Ashley Richard of WEKH, the Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub, and Sara Wolfe of The Indigenous Innovation Initiative.
Healing US, the Humans of this Planet: Our Local-to-Global Role & Responsibility for the World We Want By 2030 with:
Conversationalist Mark Brand, Advocate Agitator Accomplice | A Better Life Foundation
Mark Brand is a pioneering chef and entrepreneur in the field of Social Impact and Community Development. Along with overseeing the 5 organizations under MB Inc, Brand leads his A Better Life Foundation in Canada, the United States, he is a Stanford fellow, Professor of Innovation and Design Thinking, and has served as executive chef for the American Refugee Committee and Pope Francis's Climate Challenge. Brand has recently been appointed to the United Nations Catalyst team focusing on food waste, poverty, and the impacts of current systemic structures on the most marginalized.
Leading Beyond Belief with:
Conversation Starters Ticia Heward (host), Nicolette Richer, Mark Marsolais-Nahwegahbow
- How are you leading beyond belief towards the world we want by 2030?
- How does your work help to heal the humans of this planet and what do you need us to know about it?
- What's next for you that we can place our focus, attention, and energy on to support?
PowHERhouse Impact Media Group is an Indigenous-owned house of leaders for global impact who utilizes the influence of media for the impact and beat of their drum. As an organization they:
- Partner with conscious organizations ready to weave their efforts for greater impact
- Create and leverage the re-imagined power of media to change the narrative for HER: Human Expansion Realized.
- Prepare whole leaders who are ready for the fire of our time.
FireCircle - ONE FAMILY runs April 15th - 17th and continues our ten-year collective and conscious journey to realize the 2030 global sustainability goals and vision we share.
To participate in FireCircle 2021 - ONE FAMILY and to contribute to the conversation, click here.
Sounds like something I do not want to miss.