FireCircle 2023 - PowHERhouse's 5th annual FireCircle experience

Together, we'll get raw, real and relational about what brings us joy in leadership today

Fall 2019, the message from the fire was clear: What are your ready for?

Spring 2020 hit hard. We went back to the fire with unanswerable questions and from the fire we heard: Grieve. You are grieving.

Spring 2021 saw us leave our screens to come together as One Family in a virtual living room. The fire told us: The only thing you need to do is gather.

Fall 2021 we came together to be in community. It was the only thing that made sense during the thick of the pandemic. We asked 'How do we return to a state of reverence? This time the fire answered in symbols. She told us to remember: Hollow bone, the beat of the drum, and matriarchal ways.

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September 2022, we felt ready. We had grieved, remembered and gathered as one family guided by ancestral, matriarchal wisdom to ask the impossible question: How do we Heal our Systems?

In light of the atrocities done at the hands of colonization.

At the end of a two year pandemic, with the world appearing to be more divisive than ever.

In the re-awakening, re-claiming, and remembering of Indigenous resilience and thousands upon thousands of years of stewardship.

We asked.

And The fire Spoke.

The answer is RELATIONSHIP.

Within the crack that appears to have broken us,

lives the life-force that is remembering us.

Get in to the crack that divides us.

Stand in the opening between us.

Allow the space to widen.


We are not broken down,

we are broken open.

SAVE THE DATE October 4-7th, 2023

and join us for FireCircle 2023 - Feeling Good

About all the things that Relational Leadership Brings.

Add Yourself to the Waitlist for FireCircle 2023 below!

We will keep you up to date on details as they are released and will be sure to let you know when tickets go on sale.