Personal Growth
Creating the Space To Be Great!
Greatness isn’t something you cram between lunch and dinner – or is it? Who really has time to be great anyway? None of us do. We make time. If you are reading this article, you are a leader who cares. You yearn for greatness for yourself, your family, and your team. You are destined for it.…
Read MoreAwaken Well-Being of Educators
Educators are tired and already looking forward to their Christmas break. Not long ago a colleague asked me how my summer went, and I looked blankly at her confused by her question. The rush of back-to-school and a quick-paced Fall had thrown me into such a busy state that I had forgotten just a few…
Read MoreThe Dance & Dynamics of Today’s PowHERCouples
For the Strong Men in Your Lives… Roles, Responsibilities & Realizations in an Ever-Changing World by Tom Watson, Author of Man Shoes The idea that ‘a woman’s place is in the kitchen’ is a dinosauric way of thinking in today’s world. The level of success families will achieve in the future is completely reliant on…
Read MorePlanting Seeds | A Simple Ritual for Letting Go
Whether it’s the shift from one season to the next, the transition through the year from darkness to light, or the repeated cycle of birth, growth, death and rebirth present in nature in so many ways, the rhythms of the natural world are full of grace, ease and so much wisdom for us to glean.…
Read MoreStand on Your Story and Not in it
Using your mess as your blessing to serve and enroll others requires clarity, commitment, intention, purpose and inspired action. Attract, influence, serve and transform those who need you most. My story, my mess, my journey has been about moving from being the best kept secret to unabashed and confident success in my life, love, and…
Read MoreTina Overbury | Core Story Goals
It took me until I was 44 years old with stage three tonsil cancer to figure out that I live in a body. You see, I’m a story girl who likes to live by her own set of rules, often ignoring key plot points as if they’re just filler; but this experience shook me…
Read MoreSteely Springham | #NoteToSelf
#NotetoSelf, the common thread weaving women together… PowHERhouse is tying the commonality of each woman’s story collectively into the tapestry of a powHERfully supported community where inspiration leads to action through the vehicle of PowHER TV. I was recently asked how did my concept for PowHER TV come to be? #NotetoSelf began years ago, quite…
Read MoreStrong Men Stand Beside PowHERful Women
“HEY THERE #NASTYWOMAN… Strong men are here, and we’re stepping up to support you.” Feeling threatened by strong women makes no sense. It’s the childish attitude of a boy. I’m so happy I took the time to get myself together, pull my head out of my ass, put aside my boyish ways, and grow into…
Read MoreEnergy Rich | Energy Management for a PowHERful Life
Crush your energy hang-ups and reclaim your natural energy rich, powHERful state. I spend a good part of my time researching, studying, interviewing, connecting and collaborating with powerful women. These powHERful women understand the dance between harnessing their greatest power, capitalizing on their fullest potential, and living a fulfilling life. When we use the term ‘powHERful‘, our definition…
Read MoreWedding Wisdom
Your primary relationship starts with the one you have with yourself. It has only been the last few years that I have given much thought to wedding season with the recent marriage of two of my children. However, this year, wedding season started with an unexpected twist! I was asked to conduct a wedding ceremony…
Read MoreEmotional Management in Golf & Life
Building a High EQ | Effectively blending thinking and feeling to make wise decisions Have you ever seen someone “lose it” on the golf course or during a social interaction? Have you experienced a loss of emotional control during one of your activities or games or perhaps a business meeting or presentation that affected your performance…
Read MoreShaeah Love | Is a Coach Right for You?
Hiring a coach seemed like a luxury to me. I would tell myself it’s for those people who ‘can afford it’, who are ‘up to something really big or important’ or who really need that extra help ‘to get their life together’. For most of my life I ruled myself out of any of…
Read MoreAngela Thurston | The Practical Magic of Self Love
“Not only was my lack of sexual desire affecting the state of my marriage, it was affecting the state of my health, and my overall well-being.“ Many years ago a friend shared with me that one of the things she hated the most was when her husband crawled into bed at night, and cuddled up…
Read MoreHer Story: Storytelling as a Radical Act
“Until the lion learns to write, every story will glorify the hunter.” – African Proverb The desire to lay a platform upon which women can find their voice, to ask for what they need and share the stories that (re)define them, is a passion I share with PowHERHouse. It is the impetus behind my own socially-conscious…
Read MoreDestination Detox Retreats
PowHERing Up in Puerto Morelos To move powHERfully forward in our lives, we need to create space to intentionally work on our lives. To operate at our peak, busyness must halt with care given and quality time dedicated to ensuring that we are functioning at our highest potential for our greatest good in all areas…
Read MoreCreating a Soul Family
A Tribute to Rosemary Brodie Hallowell Hoare. Twelve years ago I had a chance meeting that would change my life. …I stood up to say hello, and when I was introduced to his mother, Rosemary, I knew in my bones that she was to play a huge part in my life. In fact, I felt I…
Read MoreHow Giving Back to the Community Made Me Rich
How does giving back to community make one rich? Spending my time making a difference in my community filled me up, fueled me and gave me something money can’t buy… I am referring to the feeling that giving back has had on my heart. You can’t put a price on your heart, but you sure…
Read MoreSpeak Your Truth
Share Your Voice! – but what if you are not exactly sure what you want to say? Express Yourself! Speak Your Truth! Share Your Message! These feel like battle cries. I agree, we need you and your message, more than anything right now. We need positive change. But what if YOU don’t know exactly what…
Read MoreYoung Women in Leadership
How to Successfully Transition from School Life to the Workplace You’re about to finally make it. In a few months or so, you’ll walk across the stage of your university and get that $40,000 piece of paper with your name on it. After all those long study sessions, all-nighters, paper writing and test cramming, you…
Read MoreDeciding to live BOLDLY in 2015
“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness had genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.” – This quote by Johanne Wolfgang von Goethe has inspired people for generations, and the reason is simple: if you don’t begin, you can’t succeed. I often wonder just how many brilliant…
Read MoreKeeping It Personal: Why I Practice & Teach Yoga
Why does PowHERhouse Creativity Editor, Marlene Lowden practice and teach yoga? Here are her top 5 reasons. You can visit Marlene’s blog for her full article. 1. Connection to My Body: I’ve tried all sorts of other “activities” and sports in my life and while I enjoy them, yoga is like no other. 2. …
Read MoreThe Awesome thing about Adversity
The path to a positive and powerful relationship with life is filled with adversity says PowHERhouse PR and Social Media Expert, Kaare Long. In our business and personal lives… Struggles, strife, disappointments, road blocks, heartbreaks, failures, wrong choices, mistakes, accidents, nasty surprises, poverty, debt, loss, having to start over again – do all of…
Read More10 Things That Make Anything Better
PowHERhouse Vibrant Living Editor, Janine Karlsen, shares her strategies to ensure our moments leading up to the holidays over the next month are better than ever! Here we are at this amazing time of year again! The ramp up to the holidays can be chaotic, wonderful, exhausting, rewarding, demanding, lovely, over-the-top, or just right. Lots…
Read More10 surprisingly easy ways to enjoy a stress-free holiday season.
PowHERhouse Creativity Editor, yogi and visual artist, Marlene Lowden, encourages us to be playful and exercise our creativity! Why? Read Marlene’s latest blog to learn how creative play can banish stress and make your holidays a whole lot happier! Marlene shares these Top 10 creativity tips as well as some of her favourite books,…
Read MoreAre you in a Groove or a Pot Hole?
A groove is defined as a “fixed routine or habit”, and sometimes those are good. It saves us time and energy to be able to do tasks without having to think about every single step. That’s great when it’s useful, but what about those grooves or habits that no longer serve us? What about when…
Read MoreThe Power of Gratitude
Take time to celebrate the things that you feel proud of accomplishing – no matter how big or small!
Read MoreOn Journaling and the Practice of Letting Go
By: Loralei Snider, Journaling and Mindfulness Editor Recalling a quote from the very famous movie, Forrest Gump, Tom Hanks recites, “Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re going to get.” Truer words couldn’t be spoken – we have dreams, we make plans. Over time, we work our plans towards achieving…
Read MorePowHERwords: Remembering the Milestones
By: Loralei Snider, PowHERhouse Journaling and Mindfulness Editor Every day offers us new experiences and a chance to build new memories. Lasting memories, although a bit farther apart, leave a deep imprint on our souls. Have you ever been telling a story of a lasting memory and found that a small part of it was…
Read MorePowHERful Musings: On Journaling and Gratitude
By: Loralei Snider of Lost Arts Cafe, PowHERhouse Journaling & Mindfulness Editor Have you ever heard the term, “You get out of things what you put into them.”? Well, I happen to believe that this is true for most things, including life. Shifting your perspective can make amazing things happen in your world. Yes, sometimes life…
Read MorePowHERhouse On Journaling and Connectedness
By: Loralei Snider, Lost Arts Cafe As I write this, I am reminded of the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, where Ferris (played by Matthew Broderick) looks into the camera and says, “Life moves pretty fast – if you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.” In this digital age, everything moves…
Read MorePowHERwords: Can Journaling Help You on Your Path to Success?
By: PowHERhouse guest contributor, Loralei Snider, Lost Arts Cafe Most of us know about blogging and various social media sites, and how they can help us to achieve success on our journey. It seems, however, that many don’t understand the power of adopting a regular journaling practice for the same purpose. Usually, when we have…
Read MoreVision-Boarding, Sharing ‘My Evidence’: Manifesting Works with Plenty of Cutting & Pasting
On Sunday, January 19th, I was asked to speak at a Vision Board Party for 2014 hosted by #superstar entrepreneur and #emerging leader, Genicca Whitney, at the beautiful Westside Grand gallery. It gave me an opportunity to share just a small portion of my story and a some tangible examples – evidence – of how manifesting…
Read MoreSTRESS the Training Tool of Champions
PowHERhouse Tactics For Women Ready To Soar! What if I told you to consider allowing the stress in your life to activate your top performance rather than crush your spirit? Call me crazy, but let me explain. As an athlete you strategically use stress to build a stronger, fitter, faster and more flexible body. That…
Read MoreLightening Your Load by PowHERhouse Guest Contributor, Elke Babicki
by: Elke Babicki, Registered Clinical Counsellor and Author Living a life you really want requires a commitment from you to let go of negative and limiting beliefs. Let this be your intention for a mental break through. The good news is, we all have these negative, sabotaging feelings and limiting beliefs. The bad news is…
Read MoreBack To My Roots
Back To My Roots From hair colour to values, my 40’s are all about returning to my roots. It’s funny how your teens and twenties and sometimes into your thirties are constantly about finding ways to improve yourself with a new hair colour, tinted contacts, tanning, even surgical enhancements to your face and other body…
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