PowHERhouse is celebrating its eighth year in business with foundational roots dating back to 2000. Our 100% Indigenous-owned social impact organization has two primary focuses for products and services:
PowHERhouse Women’s Leadership Accelerator, which offers female-focused, wisdom-based leadership activation and amplification through training and development centred around Indigenous wisdom; and,
PowHERhouse Impact Media Group, which focuses on impact media production, brokering financial investment and partner relationships between impact champions, social impact & innovation investors, and leading purpose-driven brands.
To shift society, we must shift the narrative. Media is the beat of our drum.
Media Makers
Storytellers changing the narrative.
Because HER story drives the decisions of tomorrow.
Leaders who listen, harvest and then respond.
Because HER network influences societal change.
Bridgers of collective effort and greater impact.
Because HER way is collaborative.
We find our feet, step into the gap and respond.
Because SHE was born for this and HER moment is now.
IMPACT Media Platform
Changing the narrative for HER - Human Expansion Realized
Media is the beat of our drum.
A Platform - digital storytelling to AMPLIFY for Impact
A Place - for audiences to GATHER and share wisdom
A Path - to connect global leaders
A Process - to build your capacity to create social impact
We offer real-life, real-time, experiential programs designed to ignite hope and mobilize a leader’s potential for impact. We draw on collective faith, grounded in our indigenous wisdom for the leaders of today and the change-agents of tomorrow.
Each path is designed to flow seamlessly with the other based on the needs and readiness of the leader.
Charlene SanJenko, Tina Overbury, Sharon Marshall, Christina Benty
We will know our work for HER is done:
When there is no need for gender-based organizations.
When half of a businesses’ advertising budget is spent on social impact campaigns.
When the media we see models the potential we are.
When silos are for storage, not for women to work in.
When there is gender equality at every table.
When there is pay equity in every job.
When half or more of the Fortune 500 companies have female CEOs.
When half or more of the world’s leaders are women.
When boardrooms and breastfeeding aren’t b-words to be separated.
When women aren’t shamed for their ambition.
When leading is bravery and not a title.
When an Indigenous woman doesn’t need to leave her life to have one.
When women aren’t labelled as emotional and men aren’t ridiculed for crying.
When faith and fear aren’t f-words creating barriers.
When Indigenous wisdom is a real thing.
A real thing.
Because it is a real thing.
When there is no more need for us because SHE who was once HER knows what she is ready for and nothing can stop her.
SHE was born in 2000 from a desire to provide a clear path for HER to become all she is called to be with the understanding every leader regardless of gender, deserves the opportunity to make a world-class impact.
SHE for HER, integrated media arts platform (beta)
Feed The Fire, 1-Woman Show, virtual stage reading 2020, launching 2021
FireCircle 2020, Virtual & Live Global Leadership Intensives, ongoing
GATHER FOR HER, integrated impact media series, ongoing
Development & delivery of capacity-building blended learning programs
Content creation & publication of PowHERhouse digital magazine
PowHER TV pilot series, 13 episodes, PowHER TV 2.0 in 2021
PowHERtalks National Speaker Series, over 200 women on-stage
Two decades of experience producing and promoting live leadership events
- An engaged community of 4,000+ women
- Facebook 3,146+ followers
- Twitter 2,871 followers, estimated reach 20,000 accounts and close to 60,000 impressions per tweet
- Linked in 4,217 contacts
- Instagram 1,425 followers
- You Tube 84.2K views
- 2021 LIVE Events, as we look forward in the next five years, we anticipate interactions with women utilizing a hybrid model of both online and live gatherings, performances, and speaking engagements across Canada, Mexico, the U.S. between 2021 and 2025.
Each PowHERhouse woman has a personal/professional network of 500 to 2,500 connections, making the potential collective reach and ripple of our impact a total of 65,000 to 325,000 currently.
Distribution and Viewership of PowHER TV: Our pilot season of PowHER TV was distributed across Vancouver Island, the Lower Mainland, Calgary and Edmonton, airing of 20+x weekly with a viewership exceeding 700,000 viewers and a potential online audience of 22,000+ followers. We look forward to the future development and production of Feed the Fire, a mini-documentary as well as the launch of SHE for HER Media in 2021.