PowHERhouse is celebrating its eighth year in business with foundational roots dating back to 2000. Our 100% Indigenous-owned social impact organization has two primary focuses for products and services:

  • PowHERhouse Women’s Leadership Accelerator, which offers female-focused, wisdom-based leadership activation and amplification through training and development centred around Indigenous wisdom; and,

  • PowHERhouse Impact Media Group, which focuses on impact media production, brokering financial investment and partner relationships between impact champions, social impact & innovation investors, and leading purpose-driven brands.

To shift society, we must shift the narrative.  Media is the beat of our drum.


Media Makers

Storytellers changing the narrative.
Because HER story drives the decisions of tomorrow.


Leaders who listen, harvest and then respond.
Because HER network influences societal change.


Bridgers of collective effort and greater impact.
Because HER way is collaborative.


We find our feet, step into the gap and respond.
Because SHE was born for this and HER moment is now.



IMPACT Media Platform

Changing the narrative for HER - Human Expansion Realized

Media is the beat of our drum.

A Platform - digital storytelling to AMPLIFY for Impact
A Place
- for audiences to GATHER and share wisdom

A Path - to connect global leaders
A Process - to build your capacity to create social impact



Char arms bw


Indigenous Founder + Impact Media Producer

As an Indigenous Founder and Impact Media Producer of PowHERhouse, Charlene SanJenko is a bridge between two cultures in our country. 

Charlene is from the Splatsin tribe, the most southern tribe of the Shuswap Nation in British Columbia and now resides on the beautiful Sunshine Coast with her husband, Ben, and step-daughter, Willow, since 2004, the traditional territory of the Squamish (skwxwú7mesh) First Nations where she enjoys hiking, horses, and regular connection with nature. 

Every human deserves the opportunity to access what they need to experience fully the realization of the ultimate potential of the Gift that is their life. PowHERhouse delivers on the HOW for HER, Human Expansion Realized.

A former two-term Gibsons municipal politician, competitive athlete + performance coach, social impact entrepreneur since 2000, YWCA Women of Distinction Award Nominee (2014), and community economic development enthusiast, Charlene is able to see the End Game, walk through a growth plan, and synthesize the efforts necessary to enjoy the greatest leverage, clarity, traction, and fulfillment for individual leaders, communities, and the collective whole. 

In the mid-9o’s Charlene worked in a privately owned brokerage firm in the investment services industry. Her day days were spent placing trades on various stock markets and keeping blue-buy tickets and pink-sell tickets straight. Now, Charlene brokers impact. Since 2013, Charlene has led a passionate team at PowHERhouse Impact Media Group in the digital media arts space, thriving to create and produce trajectory-shifting projects, programming, and meaningful experiences. 

The next step of Charlene’s vision is set to come to fruition in 2021  to launch the SHE for HER impact media showcase platform with a goal to bring awareness to viable projects with the hopes of supporting impact champions and artists of impact (i.e. brokering impact) to access funders, investors, brand partners, and potential distribution opportunities. 

To shift society, we must shift the narrative. Charlene believes impact advertising will follow in the footsteps of impact investing. The total advertising expenditure in North America (2019) was $253.6 billion U.S. dollars and projected to reach $254 billion dollars by the end of 2022. 

We’re leaving money on the table for good. 

Charlene is a media visionary and broker of impact to change that.

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Wendi bw


Digital Operations Manager

Wendi has been a part of the PowHERhouse team since before it became PowHERhouse. She first met Charlene Sanjenko when she volunteered on Charlene’s municipal election campaign. Wendi loves the dynamic, flexible and purposeful nature of her work with PowHERhouse. Wendi is integral to the core function of PowHERhouse and its greater network. She is responsible for operational systems and is known to say “when I’m the most in my groove, it’s invisible.”

Wendi creates and connects from her home in xwesam (Roberts Creek), on the Sunshine Coast, traditional and unceded territory of the shíshálh and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh nations.on the Sunshine Coast.

Wendi values and embodies local action to global impact. She is drawn towards projects with purpose tied to larger societal goals. Wendi was part of a multi-year, hands on resettlement project to welcome refugee families to her community. She is an active supporter of the BCSPCA.  Wendi was a coach and now volunteers as a  judge and scorekeeper for FIRST Robotics, a global program elevating STEM opportunities for youth that prioritises equity, diversity, and inclusion. Wendi is proud of the action steps PowHERhouse is taking towards Reconciliation through projects like Indigenous Innovation Initiative. WE AREN’T JUST TALKING ABOUT IT. WE ARE PUTTING ACTION BEHIND WHAT WE SAY.

Wendi is skilled at deciphering and implementing the systems required to bring a vision to life. Even as the vision is shifting, she anticipates what is required to support it. The infrastructure that Wendi has put in place supports PowHERhouse’s ability to adapt to the dynamic needs of leaders in its network.

Wendi actively looks for magic in the periphery. Through experience she has witnessed that seemingly small connections or actions can have a huge ripple impact. She is always on the lookout for magic - honing her ability to identify the SPARK that will explode. She relies on her discernment and intuition to identify what sparks to follow.

Wendi is fascinated by brains and how each one is different. She is curious about how our brains impact how we see the world, how we communicate, and how we use these differences to work more effectively together.

Christina bw


Leadership & Curriculum Development

Christina Benty is the former Mayor of Golden with over 11 years’ experience as an elected official.  She was a director on the Columbia Shuswap Regional District and President of the Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Governments. She studied political science in university and has a keen interest in governance/governance structures.  She is currently enrolled at Royal Roads University in a Masters of Leadership Program.  In her spare time, she enjoys running, reading, cycling, cross-country skiing and spending time with family and friends.  She recently began singing with a jazz band and performing in local venues.  Christina is a dynamic speaker and presenter. 

“I am committed to the continuous task of mastering my inner life.  I examine my heart and try to live congruently with my values.   I aspire to surround myself with positive, ethical people who are dedicated to excellence.  Every day I ask myself, how do I want to feel today? I have chosen to embrace five feeling states into my way of being: 1) Abounding in Joy, 2) Bursting with Gratitude, 3) Confidently Powerful, 4) Deeply Content, and 5) Enthusiastically Inspiring.  These feelings states guide my attitude towards life and my decision making process.”

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Zoe bw


Socials & Storytelling

I am the Digital Storyteller & Strategist at PowHERhouse. I tell the story of HER through digital design, creative branded imagery, editorial, as well as social media and communications strategizing and amplification. As part of the PowHERhouse story of US, I  quarterback the behind the scenes process for pre and post production of our weekly Gather for HER conversations. I work with PowHERhouse team members, and the women of Amplify to co-create their online profile, the tangible take-away’s, and the strategy behind the amplification of her SHE for HER impact. I co-create and implement strategies for how to best amplify our current impact campaign, upcoming gathering,  amplification project, or leadership program  using our PH social media and communications channels. I also manage the PH social media channels and engagement and track the analytics.



The generation coming up behind us is to be Bigger, Bolder, and Braver. How will this happen? By modelling the behaviour we have hope for, making a collective impact, leaning into fear, being courageous, working to our fullest potential and allowing the ripple to start at home. My ripple starts with me, my family, my children, my community, and my role within PowHERhouse. The PowHERhouse ripple starts with our visionary, our team, our women and organizations in partnership and how we are modelling, amplifying, illustrating and illuminating the power of collective impact through our communication channels.



Creative Lead & Story Tracker

TinaO is a core-communications specialist who works with individuals and organizations who feel called. As a sacred-listener in a divisive time, TinaO works in story, cultivating safe containers for real change-based conversations. She supports leaders to make a difference by bringing their compelling and authentic narrative to the surface for tangible connection. To TinaO, communication is a spiritual practice of both deep listening and transparent and accessible speaking. She specializes in core communication drawing on more than thirty years of working with story structure in: theatre, film, poetry, short and long form editorial, marketing and sales copy and public relations. While her work is rooted in myth and mysticism, her focus is firmly rooted in clear communication from the core for the audience it was created for.

“HERstory matters. We are storytellers, vision casters and weavers of community. Our time is now. The world is hungry for the collaborative and decisive intellect and intuitive gifting of women. I want HER to know that she never has to second guess the whispers of guidance she hears in her head. SHE is wise beyond her current belief. SHE is ready to trust the knowledge she already has. SHE can lead with both her brain, her heart and her hands. These are the mythical times SHE is made for, and HERstory will get us there. - Tina Overbury

TinaO is a storyteller and deep listener who is ready to collect, write and perform the sacred stories of our time. Her book: Story Stones (publishing in Spring 2021) speaks to the stardust we are, the twelve core stories within us, and the corresponding origin myths from which we come. Her one woman show: O MY GOD - a HERstory clown confessional about a woman, a girl, a witch, and a giant are visited by the Morrigan and other ancient ones during an unconventional church service about a 15,000 year old footprint. Poetic and uncompromising, TinaO invites audiences to travel with her to sacred story places of the world to reconnect to the stories from which we come.


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One of the youngest members of the PowHerhouse team, Willow Smith, helps to provide another view of an audience, a generation of women with potential still waiting to be unlocked.

Mixed-raced millennial Willow was born and raised in the lower mainland of British Columbia with plenty of places seen and lived within. From writing her first novel at ten, publishing her school's first newsletter at eleven and having her first published article in a national dog fancier's magazine, her initiative to reach people has always been high. She went on to volunteer work in high school and sought to better her community and the people around her. Her background is primarily in performing arts and creative writing with certification in psychology. 

As a coach, board member and former president of the Sunshine Coast Roller Girls, she learned what it feels like to be in a tribe of strong women. The phrase used in games of 'I've got your back' has moved with her from the track to her work at PowHerhouse, where all women have each other's backs and strive to lift one another up always.

After moving to the scenic Sunshine Coast on the territorial lands of the Squamish First Nations in 2010, her goals have changed but her mission remains the same; the bettering of her community through the people. From her communications and media position in women's leadership with PowHerhouse to her work in men's mental health and wellness through The Goliath Foundation, she strives to see every person whole and healthy. 

Sharon bw


Digital Indigenous Empowerment

Sharon Marshall, a Métis/Cree entrepreneur, is a co-host on the weekly Gather for HER wisdom circles, where she contributes to the conversation with her flare of Indigenous wisdom, and intuition, and then offers her take on the session with a graphic recording. Sharon is also the April 2021 FireCircle champion for PowHERhouse, helping to stickhandle all the moving pieces. 

A trainer and facilitator with 30+ years experience in administration and 15+ years’ experience providing remote administrative, creative, and technical support globally, Sharon is also CEO of Cree8iv Collaboration Inc dba DEVA Training & Staffing Solutions, a full-service Staffing Agency providing temporary recruitment, as well as digital literacy and virtual administrative training for Indigenous women. Her first educational offering is the DEVA 20-week Online Training Program. DEVA’s first cohort starts in February 2021 with 11 Indigenous women from Onion Lake, Saskatchewan and one from Victoria, British Columbia.

Sharon’s passion is to offer HOPE by Helping Other People Excel.

When Sharon is not busy training, facilitating, or creating, she enjoys the outdoors, taking long walks or hikes, reading, meditating, exercising, and spending time with family, siblings, and friends. She is currently writing a self-help book with the (self) help of Grandmother Spider, Creatrix, an aspect of our innate wisdom. When the world opens up again, Sharon plans to travel the globe, taking DEVA with her, working from her laptop on a beach somewhere.

Sharon has two children who are now young adults in University, and she resides on Vancouver Island, BC Canada.

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Madeline Archibald headshot b&w


Media Intern

From a young age, Madeline’s passion for storytelling has been the primary navigator in her life. She is inspired to tell meaningful narratives by the adventurous community of her mountainous hometown; the volunteer youth club in her teens; and countless musical endeavors throughout her life thus far. Each of these experiences has driven her love for creativity and has allowed her to portray individual and community stories the way they deserve to be told. In this new chapter of her life, Madeline is grateful to have been part of so many stories that have helped to develop her techniques and skills, enabling her to take on new challenges. She is looking forward to delivering unparalleled narratives and learning through new experiences.

At PowHERhouse Media Group, Madeline helps to create a sustainable and resourceful environment by providing both creative support and innovative ideas in a variety of areas in the House. To the table, she brings both creative technical experience and a fresh perspective to bridge across generations. She is a changemaker at heart and channels this energy into content-creation for projects at various levels, such as:

  • behind-the-scenes social activities.
  • spearheading campaigns and content as they transition to reality.
  • combining visual and conceptual elements to bring to life through media.
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We offer real-life, real-time, experiential programs designed to ignite hope and mobilize a leader’s potential for impact. We draw on collective faith, grounded in our indigenous wisdom for the leaders of today and the change-agents of tomorrow.

Each path is designed to flow seamlessly with the other based on the needs and readiness of the leader.


We will know our work for HER is done:


When there is no need for gender-based organizations.
When half of a businesses’ advertising budget is spent on social impact campaigns.
When the media we see models the potential we are.
When silos are for storage, not for women to work in.
When there is gender equality at every table.
When there is pay equity in every job.
When half or more of the Fortune 500 companies have female CEOs.
When half or more of the world’s leaders are women.
When boardrooms and breastfeeding aren’t b-words to be separated.
When women aren’t shamed for their ambition.
When leading is bravery and not a title.
When an Indigenous woman doesn’t need to leave her life to have one.
When women aren’t labelled as emotional and men aren’t ridiculed for crying.
When faith and fear aren’t f-words creating barriers.
When Indigenous wisdom is a real thing.
A real thing.
Because it is a real thing.
When there is no more need for us because SHE who was once HER knows what she is ready for and nothing can stop her.


SHE was born in 2000 from a desire to provide a clear path for HER to become all she is called to be with the understanding every leader regardless of gender, deserves the opportunity to make a world-class impact.


☑ SHE for HER, integrated media arts platform (beta)
☑ Feed The Fire, 1-Woman Show, virtual stage reading 2020, launching 2021
☑ FireCircle 2020, Virtual & Live Global Leadership Intensives, ongoing
☑ GATHER FOR HER, integrated impact media series, ongoing
☑ Development & delivery of capacity-building blended learning programs
☑ Content creation & publication of PowHERhouse digital magazine
☑ PowHER TV pilot series, 13 episodes, PowHER TV 2.0 in 2021
☑ PowHERtalks National Speaker Series, over 200 women on-stage
☑ Two decades of experience producing and promoting live leadership events


  • An engaged community of 4,000+ women
  • Facebook 3,146+ followers
  • Twitter 2,871 followers, estimated reach 20,000 accounts and close to 60,000 impressions per tweet
  • Linked in 4,217 contacts
  • Instagram 1,425 followers
  • You Tube 84.2K views
  • 2021 LIVE Events, as we look forward in the next five years, we anticipate interactions with women utilizing a hybrid model of both online and live gatherings, performances, and speaking engagements across Canada, Mexico, the U.S. between 2021 and 2025.

Each PowHERhouse woman has a personal/professional network of 500 to 2,500 connections, making the potential collective reach and ripple of our impact a total of 65,000 to 325,000 currently.

Distribution and Viewership of PowHER TV:  Our pilot season of PowHER TV was distributed across Vancouver Island, the Lower Mainland, Calgary and Edmonton, airing of 20+x weekly with a viewership exceeding 700,000 viewers and a potential online audience of 22,000+ followers.  We look forward to the future development and production of Feed the Fire, a mini-documentary as well as the launch of SHE for HER Media in 2021.